The students’ registration in the University is considered an expression of their willingness to abide by all the rules and regulations set forth in this student’s Handbook. Every student therefore should be committed to the observance of these rules.

1. Admission

A. Undergraduate

Graduates of high schools may be admitted on the following basis:

  • Students desiring to enroll in the University should pass the University Admission Test
  • Holders of Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) certificates are eligible for admission to college provided that he/she should pass the University Admission Test and undergo Career Counseling
    Evaluation of applicants shall be rated as follows:
    70% – URSAT
    30% – General Average
  • Certified True Copy of Form 137-A (General Average in the Third Year Level)for freshmen and certificate of good moral character, medical certificate, NSO birth certificate and 3 copies of “2×2” picture are the basic requirements for university admission applicant.

B. Transferee Students

A student from other colleges/universities wishing to transfer must satisfy University Rules on Transfer Students:

  • The weighted average is not lower than 2.25 and above and without failure in any subject from the school last attended;
  • The quota set by the College concerned has not yet been filled up
  • Passed the qualifying test
  • Comply with the following requirements:
  • Certified true copy of scholastic records
  • Certification of good moral character from either the President, Dean or Registrar of the school last attended
  • Transfer credentials (honorable dismissal)
  • 3 copies 2”x2” recent photo
  • Medical Certificate

From a URS Campus, students may be admitted as transferees upon the recommendation of the Chancellor and/ or Registrar depending upon the availability of slots and application for Transfer should be filed two (2) weeks before enrolment.; and have complied with all other requirements for admission; such as transcript of Records/ Transfer Credentials, Certificate of Clearance and Good Moral Character.

C. Foreign Students

  • Foreign students are those who are not Filipino citizens who desire to enroll in College.
  • Foreign student seeking admission shall comply with the following requirements:
  • Certified true copy of Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR). A study permit issued by the Commission on Higher Education and Student Visa by the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation
  • Result of URS College Admission Test
  • Copy of Passport and Visa
  • Academic Credentials/Transcript of Records from University/School
  • Official Receipt of Admission Test Payment
  • Certification of English Language Proficiency Test i.e. IELTS, TOFEL or any equivalent certification

Note: Training on English Communication is offered by URS through the Center Lifelong Learning

D. Sit-in Students

Sit-in students in all levels should present a letter of request from the parents stating that they will not claim any credit for the period the students stayed in the school addressed to the school head and endorsed to the Admission Office

The Admission Officer issues admission slip for the perusal of the person in-charge of the department or college. Likewise, they are required to abide with the school rules and regulations.

E. Old Student Returning

As Old Student Returning (OSR), students may be admitted to a program or any other special program of the University upon evaluation of the scholastic rating and approval of the application for re-enrolment by the Registrar and depending on the availability of the slots, thus, must undergo counselling.

F. Admission to Short-term Courses

Short-term courses offered by the University shall be so designed as to benefit the less privileged. Such courses include the following:

  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Electrical Technology
  • Electronics Technology
  • Automotive Technology
  • Civil Technology
  • Drafting Technology
  • Mechanical Technology

All of which are geared to provide skills and technical knowledge necessary to earn a livelihood. Deserving students may be admitted to such courses after completing the requirements such High School Card/ Form 138, Scholastic Record (transfer students) and Certificate of Good Moral Character.


2. Grading System

The work of student shall be graded at the end of each semester/ term in in accordance with the following system:

1.0 – 1.2 96 – 100 Excellent
1.3 – 1.7 88 – 95 Very Good
1.8 – 2.1 84 – 87 Good
2.2 – 2.9 76 – 83 Fair
3.0 75 Passing
4.0 71 Conditional
5.0 71 – 74 Failed
INC Incomplete
UOD Unofficially Dropped
D Dropped


A. Conditional Grade

A grade of 4.0 means Conditional Failure. It may be removed by repetition of the course or by reexamination. Only one reexamination is allowed which must be taken before the opening of enrollment of the succeeding semester. Failure to do so means conversion of 4.0 to a grade of 5.0 after the prescribed period.

B. Incomplete Grade

A mark of Inc (incomplete) is given if a student whose class standing throughout the semester is passing but fails to appear for final examination or submit other requirements due to illness or other valid reasons. If in the opinion of the instructor the absence from the examination or failure to submit requirements is justified, the student may be given the chance to complete the requirements. In case the class standing is not passing and the student fails to take the final examination for any reason, the Instructor may give a grade of 5.0.

Removal of an Inc must be done one academic year from the date the mark of incomplete was received. Reexamination shall be permitted only for the purpose of removing grades of “Inc”. A student who has received a passing grade in a subject shall not be allowed to take another examination for the purpose of improving his grade.

C. Dropped

Dropped is given if the student voluntarily drops a subjects and files corresponding dropping form within the prescribed period as scheduled by the Registrar.

D. Unofficially Dropped

The mark UOD (Unofficially Dropped) is given to a student who failed to file dropping form and did not attend the subjects for the whole semester.


3. Registration

  • Registration of students shall be on regular registration period indicated in the Academic Calendar.
  • A student is considered officially enrolled when:
    He/ She has paid his tuition (in full or in instalment) and other fees;
  • His/ Her official receipt of payment had been validated; and
  • His/ Her registration certificate has been properly stamped, Registered and initialled by the receiving clerk in order to receive credit for course work.
  • Registration of a returning student is dependent on his previous scholastic standing.
  • Application for re-enrolment/ Clearance/ Report of Rating/ Scholastic Records of an old student is required as credential for enrolment.
  • A student is not allowed to enrol in more than one course during his stay in the University.
  • Rules on sequencing of subject (pre-requisite) in the curriculum shall observed and followed in enrolment.
  • Late registration fee is charged to a student who enrols within the scheduled late registration in the academic calendar.


4. Withdrawal of Registration

  • Withdrawal of registration shall be made and approved based on the existing rules and regulations of the University.
  • A student who withdraws his/ her registration shall be entitled to refund of feeds paid, except registration fee and depending on the policy of the University
  • A student who withdraws his registration within two weeks after the opening of classes shall be entitled to withdraw his credentials submitted as requirement for enrolment.
  • No withdrawal of registration shall be made after the specified period. The rules for dropping shall apply.


5. Academic Load

  • The total number of units for which a student may register shall be in accordance with the curricular programs the student is enrolled in.
  • During Summer Term, a student shall be allowed a higher load not exceeding to 12 Units.
  • Only graduating students are allowed to overload subjects to their academic standing.
  • A graduating student may be permitted to carry a heavier load but not to exceed 28 Units subject to approval by authorities concerned.
  • Students who are scholastic delinquents are not allowed to have an overload.
  • Load of transfer students shall be limited only to those subjects without pre-requisite, until such time this subject had already been validated/ accredited.
  • Graduating students shall be allowed to take pre-requisite subject and higher subject simultaneously within the approval of the Dean and VP for Academic Affairs or its equivalent. However, if the student failed the pre-requisite subject, the higher subject shall not be given credit.


6. Dropping of Subjects/ Course

Unofficially Dropped means a grade of 5.0; hence, dropping of subject(s) officially is a must. A student may drop a subject by filling in the necessary application form which can be obtained at the Registrar’s Office, provided his case is not covered by a pertinent provision of the University Code.


7. Shifting of Courses

A student may be allowed to shift courses provided that:

  • He/ she secures an application form for change of course in the Registrar’s Office

Student records would be evaluated by the registrar and the Director, Office of Student Development Services based on the following criteria:

  • Students who want to transfer from one course to another should have a weighted average of 2.25 and above.
  • Students who failed in three (3) major subjects shall be subjected on probation for one semester.
  • Career Education Development Program (CEDP) students who would like to take technician course shall be admitted based on the Skills Development Training rating of their shop instructors. CEDP students who would like to go to four-year course should pass the College Admission Test in the desired course.
  • A student to pursue bachelor’s degree course should have a weighted average of 2.25 and above.
  • All students who are shifting their course should pass the qualifying examination for the course they intend to transfer in.
  • Recommendation for the approval in the change of course should be secured from the Dean.
  • The Dean of the College where the students intend to enroll shall approve the application form before submission to the Registrar’s Office.
  • Shifting of course shall be done two (2) weeks before the opening of classes.


8. Cross Enrollment

  • A student of the University may be authorized by the concerned Dean/Registrar to cross-register in another accredited institution of higher learning if the subject/s He/ She needs to enrol in during a given term is/are not offered in the University.
  • A student may be allowed to cross-enroll in all curricular levels, provided that the subjects are not offered in the institution. It should have the same course description and number of units and limited to nine (9) units.
  • No student is allowed to cross-enroll in 2 or more schools outside the University. Cross enrolment of subjects outside the University must have the approval of the Dean and authorized by the Registrar for the subject(s) to be given credit by the University.
  • Students coming from other universities/ colleges may be allowed to cross-enroll with a permit to cross-enroll from the Registrar.
  • Cross-enrollment should be done within the period of registration.


9. Supplemental Units

Student who would like to take supplemental units in education can be allowed to enroll during the last curriculum year provided he/ she has obtained a grade point average of 2.0 and above and he has secured permit from the Dean of the College where he/she is currently enrolled in.


10. Probationary/ Dismissal

A student who because of poor health, irregular attendance or low scholastic achievements fails to meet the standards of the department he belongs shall be placed on probation or dismissed from the University under the following conditions:

  • Probation – a student who receives a final grade of 5.0 in any of the three subjects at the end of the semester shall be placed on probation by the College and warned to take the course more seriously. His loads shall be limited to the extent to be determined by the Registrar. If after the probation period the student concerned did not show any improvement, he may be dismissed from the College.
  • Dismissal – students who at the end of the semester received a final grade of 5.0 in any four or more of his subjects will be dismissed from the College.


11. Leave of Absence

A student who intends to take leave of absence exceeding one semester shall file a written petition with the College Dean \Registrar concerned, stating the reason for the leave. If the leave exceeds one academic year, he/she shall loose his status as a student in residence.

Any student who withdraws from the University without a formal leave of absence shall apply for readmission as a new student.


12. Attendance and Punctuality

Students who have incurred 20% unexcused absences of the required total number of class periods in a given semester shall be dropped from that particular class. Absences due to illness should be supported by a medical certificate signed by the attending physician.


13. Maximum Residence

A student who is enrolled in any program will be given additional one year to complete his requirements and graduate in the course.


14. Enrollment Procedures

  • Pre-registration Form will be issued upon submission of the following requirements:
  • Secondary Report Card/ Transfer Credentials/ Scholastic Records,
  • Certificate of Good Moral Character and
  • Xerox copy of NSO Birth Certificate (new students)
  • Clearance and University ID (old students) for evaluation.
  • Medical/Dental Certificate and Chest Radiologic Examination (new students)
  • Pay to the Cashier. University scholars shall present Certification of Scholarship duly signed by the Head at the Scholarship Office.
  • Proceed to Business Affairs for payment of uniform. (for new students)
  • Proceed to the College Registrar/Instructor-In-Charge for printing of Certificate of Enrolment.
  • Report to College Library (new student) for the issuance of library card.
  • Report to the OSDS for the issuance of I.D.